Friday, September 30, 2011

Questions on Technology

Today where I attend Seminary we had a panel on technology and the Christian. For once the panel actually was composed of some whose area is in Bible and others whose area is technology (this is an improvement over my undergrad years when they had biology and rhetoric professors doing such panels). This panel returned a question to my mind that I have had before and not found a completely adequate answer. The question is what place does technology have in the body of the church, specifically in the local evidence of the universal church being the local church? As an extension to that question are the questions, what place does technology have in the edification and instruction of the saints? Also, how does technology engender the communal aspects of Christian fellowship?

I have not come up with a patent answer or heard one that satisfies biblical principles. Then today because of the panel my mind added the question of then based upon the answer of the above question(s) what is the appropriate use of technology in the life of the Christian in relation to the church and the proclamation of the gospel? Such as, using technology for witnessing, for studying, even in worship, or maybe even just should Christians being using electronic devices in church?

This topic is one that it may be worth for some trusted expositors to start writing  in an expositional/applicational basis.

1 comment:

  1. I think you may have a small dissertation on your hands trying to answer all of those questions!
