Saturday, March 26, 2011
Need for today
This week I have attended Bible Conference @ Bob Jones University where I heard powerful and pertinent preaching. But alas have we not had powerful preaching before? What are we lacking then to effect change in us which will spread throughout all true Christianity and the world? The answer is Practical Theology, simply the practical application of the doctrine we are taught. This all seems so high and out of reach but for a few to attain but really the key basis to Practical Theology is simple obedience. However, because of our sinful flesh obedience is not at all really simple within us wars our sinful desires in rebellion to Holy God versus the Holy Spirit. The question remaining is who will you let win?
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Ruby on Rails
Beside being a Christian if you have seen some of my previous posts I have a web hosting and development business servicing small business. Currently I do most work with LAMP and Drupal based in PHP and HTML/CSS. However, I have done some work in Ruby on Rails and have a new customer who requires ROR so I am diving back into the world of ROR and plan to post my re-acclimation journey here.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Yet to Come
Have you thought about what lies beyond this mortal flesh? Do you realize that we all will one day stand before Jesus Christ? After time is declared no more all will be judged. Now there are different judgment seats listed in the Scripture but in simplicity all will be judged. My question is on what basis do you want to be judged? Do you want to be judged on your deeds? Have we not all failed? Is anyone perfect? God tells us that His standard of entrance into His eternal presence is perfection. Okay how many of us have stolen? Lied? Been angry without cause? With only three questions of the many we could ask I dare say all of mankind is included in this list that would exclude all from perfection. So if we are not perfect and God's standard is perfection do you want to be judged on your works? Or would you rather be judged on mercy? Scripture tells us that their is mercy with the Lord, yet so many want to stand on their own, and stand on their own they will before God Almighty at which time they will receive the judgment of God and be cast into everlasting torment. I on the other hand would rather stand before God with Christ so that before the Almighty pronounces judgment upon me for my sinful failure and wickedness Christ may say "I have paid for his sin with my blood" with which the complete realization of the mercy of God will be realized for me and instead of everlasting judgment Almighty God will say "enter into my presence, my son." I am not perfect even after accepting the mercy of Jesus Christ and His payment for my sin however, their is mercy with my Lord Jesus Christ. What will you do? Will you stand alone, or will you stand in mercy?
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Speaking Lightly of Sin
I am listening to "Guard Your Heart" as sung by Mac Lynch on the cd My Son Give me Thine Heart. In the song it states "never ... speaking lightly of our sin." I wonder where would the Church and even our country if we as Christians would not speak lightly of our sin; whether with each other or even as internally we excuse our sin. I have been reading portions from the gospels and the OT Prophets and I keep finding the recurring emphasis on any sin is to much. Now I know that none of us will be perfect until we see Jesus Christ face to face however, Paul has taught us in 1 Corinthians 5:6 that any hint of leaven (sin) leaveneth (makes the whole sinful) the whole lump of bread dough. We must be on constant guard to prevent any sin from entering our lives and taking root defiling us entirely. Guard Your Heart
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